8. Charity-Crunchen 2016

Statistiken, Wettbewerbe
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Posts: 27
Joined: 24.03.2013, 20:42

8. Charity-Crunchen 2016

#1 Post by Terminator » 16.01.2016, 15:05

Dear members of Team BOINC Confederation

SETI.Germany and Team LAF organize the Charity Event 2016. It takes place from 01/17/2016 at 00.00 until 01/30/2016 at 23.59. ( 16/01/2016 22.00 UTC - 30/01/2016 21.59 UTC )
This year we will be provided for the project POEM @ Home.
Team change:
Shortly before the change of their core team participants in the charity team: http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/team_display.php?teamid=863, and expect from the 01/17/2016, at 00.00 clock for the project POEM @ Home. Participation is voluntary.

In the project settings, it is easiest if all available WU-types are allowed.

SETI.Germany and Team LAF invite all BOINC teams to participate.Everyone is welcome to join in the Event.

Here the most important links:
POEM @ Home: Homepage: http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/
Charity Team: http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/team_display.php?teamid=863
Charity Forum: http://forum.charity.boinc-af.org/index ... board=10.0

We wish you much fun with the 8th Charity Event.

Many Greetings: Terminator

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